
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

5 lessons you'll learn in your twenties

Being a twenty-something year old is hard, y'all. We are faced with loads of decisions, adversity, confusion, expectations and (if we're being honest) most of us have no idea how to handle it all. Though I don't claim to be an expert on living life well during this season, there are a few things I've learned so far:

1. Your life timeline may look different than your friends', and that's okay.

Just to be clear - it is not a requirement to be married with a child by 25, or even married at all.  You may meet your soulmate at 16, 24, 35..or *gasp* you may decide marriage ultimately isn't a part of your plan. THAT'S OK. We are not a one size fits all society. What works for me may not work for you. Never feel guilty for living life on your own terms.

2. You may not find your dream job immediately after graduation.

Obviously, this isn't the case with everyone. I have a few friends who, upon graduation, were whisked away to a big city with a wonderful job, and that's awesome for them! But it's not always realistic. Sometimes you have to work from the ground up (yes, even with that super expensive degree you just earned). Embrace the journey now and you will be a lot happier in the long run.

3. It's important to associate with people who are wildly different from you.

Your twenties are a time of growth and change. As a 24 year old semi-newlywed, I can admit that I continue to evolve and change every single day, both as a wife and an individual. Making an effort to get to know people who are not like you in culture, religion, race, and background will only aid in your own self discovery. The more you discover about others, the more you learn about yourself. 

4. Critical people are everywhere. Don't be one of them.

Get ready, you guys. "Mean girls" (and boys) still exist in adulthood. In fact, I would wager more people complain and criticize in adulthood than they do in high school. There will always be someone who can find something to dislike about your life, job abilities, or marriage. Train yourself now not to care. If you know you're doing everything to the best of your abilities, you have nothing to feel self conscious about. Also, train yourself to not join in when people are talking badly about others. It does nothing but hurt your own reputation and conscience.

5. Choose adventure over a new Kate Spade Bag

There, I said it. That spontaneous trip to the Grand Canyon is far more valuable than any expensive clothing item. I love fancy clothes, shoes, and accessories just as much as the next gal, but I've realized that a lot of these items are purchased because we want our peers to perceive us a certain way. I want to spend money on things that enrich my life and grow me as a person, and as much as I hate to say it,  a lot of my fancy overpriced purses have done nothing to shape me into who I'm meant to be.

What are the greatest lessons you learned in your twenties?

Love love love,

Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday Favorites

Oh hayyyy, Friday! So lovely to see you again.

Today I'm linking up with The Farmer's Wife and September Farm to share a few of my favorite things. Enjoy!

This week, I'm loving...

1. Good ol' H20

Over the past month or so I've pretty much completely cut out soda and instead opted for water. AND MAN, it's made an epic difference. I used to have headaches every single day, and now my headaches are basically non existent.  It's amazing how different a person can feel just by making a conscious effort to not constantly consume junk food.

2. Halter Swimsuits

Love this bikini

Not that I ever need a new swimsuit since I'm collecting a entire drawer full of them, but I am loving the new halter trend for bikinis. It's a fun, chic, and modest twist on your typical two piece, and I love that I can find it in pretty much any clothing store nowadays!

3. The Tiny Home Phenomenon

Interior of a 387 sqft solar-powered cottage manufactured by Palm Harbor Homes. Tour the house here so cute!
Only 387 sq ft!
I can literally feel my relatives rolling their eyes at me as we speak, but I think it's SO cool that people are taking such a minimalist approach to living. In my experience, lots of clutter and unnecessary items often leave you stressed and neglectful of the more important things in life. When you cut out all the stuff you don't actually need or even want, you find yourself free to experience the more important things in life (people, travel, good food, better experiences, etc).

4. Ridiculously adorable animal pictures


Yes, I'm kind of a loser. You know you laughed.

5. THIS.

It's always nice to be reminded that God has you where you are for a reason!

Hope you all have a BEAUTIFUL, sunshiney, picture perfect weekend!

Love love love you,

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday Encouragement

Because we all need a little reassurance from time to time. Am I right?!

Enjoy a few of my favorite bible verses and quotes:

Now go out there and kick some booty!

Love you forever,

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Baby Bucket List

Hey, hey!

My husband and I have long debated on when the best time was to have a baby. We've gone back and forth between now, a few years from now, in our thirties, etc. Babies are a huge blessing from God, and I want to be able to welcome that {non-existent} kid into our life with zero reservations. To me, it is an injustice to your child if you are constantly dwelling on what you missed out on because you became a parent. I don't want that for myself or my family, so that means we have a lot to accomplish before the time comes.

Disclaimer: I am by no means hating on people who do have kids, nor am I stating that you can't still accomplish your goals with a child. This is just a fun blog post, y'all!

1. Travel to Europe -Leaving in September!
2. Reach "Platinum" status at Carnival - AKA go on more than 76 days of cruises
3.Visit New York and California again
4. Pay off our house
5. Establish a set work out and healthy living routine
6. Speaking of "healthy living," learn how to cook!
7. Try a Michelin star restaurant in Japan
8. Learn how to play guitar - yes, I want to be Taylor Swift sometimes. or Joan Jett, actually.
9. Plant and maintain a garden
10. Adopt a primarily vegetarian/vegan diet
11. Find my "niche"...and hopefully said niche will provide a paycheck :)
12. Gain a larger audience for my blog
13. Learn to like black coffee
14. Travel to Alaska
15. Grow my monogramming/vinyl business
16.  Participate in a marathon
17. Develop a steady base of friends in Georgia
18. Learn to rely on my bike and two legs more than my car
19. Live in a Spanish speaking country for an extended period of time
20.  Develop some passive income for my family
21. Start a business that allows Kyle and I to work from home
22. Become fluent in Spanish
23.  Volunteer regularly at the local animal shelter
24. Go on another ridiculously expensive trip abroad - for free. Blog post on that here.

This list is only going to continue to grow I'm sure, but it's good to have an idea on paper (or blogger) of what I would like to do, experience, and accomplish. :)

What are your goals?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Pretty Palazzos

Hello, beautiful people!

I hope you all are having a wonderful week filled with plenty of sleep, stress free work, and lots of free lunches.

Dare to dream, right? ;)

Today I'm talking my newest obsession: palazzo pants. I've always gravitated toward sixties inspired style, so when I first set eyes on these wide legged beauties, I knew they belonged in my closet. One of my favorite things about this trend is how bold all the prints are! They are truly a statement piece and can be easily paired with a simple top and boho accessories like a tassel necklace (check out this super affordable one here).

Oh, and did I mention how comfortable they are?! It's basically the equivalent of wearing your pajamas to work - and getting away with it.  No exaggeration. I snagged my pair from a local boutique, Brooklynn's, for only $29.99. Check out similar styles here.

Disclaimer: The pants are so wide legged that I actually tripped on them. more than once. in front of many onlookers. Anyways...#klutz

What trends are you loving this spring?

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thursday Thoughts

Guys...IT'S ALMOST FRIDAY!!!!! #thankyaJesus

Today I'm linking up with Meagan from Beautiful Things to discuss what's going through my mind at this very moment.

Beautiful Things

Prepare yourself for lots of randomness.

I think...

//I need to be somewhere My fam and I just booked a cruise this morning, but it's still ten months away! Boo!

// Kyle and I are going to Olive Garden tonight, and I've literally been staring at the menu all day in anticipation. Is that weird? Dang it, it's weird.

//How do the girls in the Zumba videos look so happy and beautiful the whole time? I look like a wet dog when I do those work outs. A wet dog with zero rhythm.

//Speaking of Zumba...**Checks to see if abs have appeared yet** Spoiler alert - they haven't.

// I've adopted a primarily vegetarian diet this week, and it's actually not half bad! I may stick to this thing for a while...

//Only 53 more days until school's out for the summer! Not that I'm keeping track of it or have a countdown on my phone or anything...

// I'm beginning to realize how animal-obsessed I am. I don't think I could be any more in love with my puppy, Raleigh! She's the funniest.

//Also, you should probably read this...

Love love love,

Monday, April 6, 2015

Bloom where you're planted

Happy Monday!

I apologize for the week long hiatus; I've been on spring break this week, and to be honest, I haven't felt like doing anything. Literally, my entire week has mostly consisted of napping, taking walks, Zumba, googling random topics, more napping, and of course, eating. What's not to love? 

A few weeks ago, I picked up a new t-shirt from Kohl's (see below). I loved the look of the shirt, but what really stood out to me was the message behind it. In big, floral letters, the shirt proclaimed "bloom where you're planted." Y'all, I can't even begin to describe how applicable that saying is to my current situation. For those who don't know me that well, I graduated with a degree in English/Secondary Education from Appalachian State in North Carolina. I was really looking forward to finally having my own classroom and helping as many students as I could, both with their writing and life skills. As fate would have it, however, I was unable to find a teaching job. Instead, I was given the title of paraprofessional at a local high school. Basically, a para is a one on one for a particular student who has some sort of special need.

I've really wrestled with this title. On the one hand, I love the student I work with and feel so blessed to have this position. But I can't help but think to myself, "I worked my butt off for four long years. Why isn't it paying off?" I consistently worry about what my family and friends think of me in regard to my career, and at times, I can get down on myself about it. "I wasn't good enough for a teaching position" is an unfortunate statement that creeps into my mind more often than it should. What makes it even more difficult is the more time I go without teaching a class, the less capable I feel in that sort of position. It's a pretty vicious cycle and, if you let it, your confidence can dwindle as a result.

What I've learned (and am still learning) is that God doesn't put you in tough situations for no reason. He uses these times of confusion, frustration, and sadness to grow you into the person you're meant to be. 

I don't know if I'll end up being a teacher next year. I don't know if I'll be a para, a writer, or maybe a housewife. Whatever comes my way, though, I know it is in God's plan, and I should do my best not to question it.

Tshirt, Jeans, Sandals-similar

May we all bloom no matter the season,