
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Give Thanks

So I know that November is the signature month to express your thankfulness, but as 2014 comes to a close, I can't help but feel overwhelmed with appreciation in the here and NOW!

Working with high school students (many who experience stuff that I couldn't even fathom), really teaches you to appreciate the life you've been given. When I think about my husband, my family, my best friends, and my life in general, my problems start to get smaller and smaller. You know what I mean?

Here are the things I am most thankful for this season:

My Husband (who has the patience of Gandhi - seriously).
Anyone who has spent more than twenty minutes in the same room with me can tell you that I am a handful. I'm moody, I have high expectations, and I feel the need to be treated like a princess at all times. Essentially, I'm a brat. Despite all of this, my husband chooses to love me unconditionally and treat me like I'm made of gold. He supports all my wild endeavors, hugs me tight on my bad days, and maintains patience when I spend hours in Ulta. Can you say dream guy?

Another Christmas with my Gran
My grandmother is the most independent woman I have ever met. She was widowed at a young age and never remarried, and I always admired her ability to take care of herself without any man present. As she grows older, unfortunately, Gran has developed dementia. She's losing that independent streak; really, she's losing herself. It's tough for anyone to watch, but I try to hold on to who she was before all this stuff started happening. In my mind, she's still this sassy, independent, outspoken, can't walk into a store without leaving with five new friends, type of woman who I am so blessed to have in my life for another Christmas.

My Best Friends
You know those people who say it's better to have a few great friends rather than a ton of acquaintances? I totally abide by that. My two best friends, Kerri & Hannah, have been in my life since middle school. We've gone through just about everything together - break ups, cheerleading, church, college, engagements, marriage, "big girl jobs," and more. And despite me moving to a completely different state, our periods are still in sync. SO BAM, BESTIES. (Yes, I just went there).

All the Old Ornaments on my Christmas Tree
Growing up, my mom insisted that I pick out an ornament for myself every Christmas. She took me to Hallmark, brought me to the ornament section, and instructed me to find the best one in the store. I never really understood her antics, to be honest. What was the deal with her obsession with ornaments? When it came time to move into my own house, she boxed up all the ornaments I had chosen over the years and gave them to me. Now, for my first Christmas as a full fledged adult, my Christmas tree is adorned with all these wonderful decorations - some that I chose when I was only five years old. Looking at those ornaments is my own way of looking back at the old Bailey - when I was five, thirteen, eighteen, etc. It's a beautiful tradition in my family and something I fully intend to do with my own children someday.

My Crazy-Wacky-Loving Family
I know a lot of people say this, but y'all, I really do have an awesome family. They are hilarious, loving, thoughtful, and just all around amazing people. Despite moving four hours away, my mom and dad make it a priority to keep up with my life, and it means a lot to have their support in everything I do. I always look forward to our Christmas traditions together, and even though they're being tweaked a little this year, I'm still so excited to spend time with everyone! This past year, I was fortunate enough to become a part of a second family - the Sansings. They accepted me and loved on me from the first moment I met them and have made me feel nothing but welcomed ever since. You always hear about horror stories where the husband's family doesn't get along with the wife, and I got the exact opposite. How awesome is that?!

What are you thankful for this season?

Peace, Love and Peppermint Mocha,

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