
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Goals for 2015

Hey everyone!

So I'm typically not one to make New Year's Resolutions - to me, if you want to change your life, you don't need a certain day of the year to make it happen. However, even I can admit the old adage of "new year, new me!" is something that really excites me nowadays! My life is wonderful in so many ways, but there will always be room for improvements. Check out a few of my goals for the new year (and no, "getting in great shape" isn't one of them!):

1. Trust God wholeheartedly

 Y'all, I make a ton of mistakes when I don't ask God for help. I can't see the future or where I'll be in ten years, so why would it make sense to think I could make good decisions for my life without seeking God's wisdom? It's not possible! Though it's hard to let God have the steering wheel, I have found that I am more at peace after doing so. Relying on him has taken so much pressure off me, and I only expect even greater things to come from trusting in him.

2. Travel A LOT

I'm young, I have few responsibilities (aside from my dog and being a good wifey), and I live a very frugal lifestyle with my husband. We can afford to see the world, and now is the time to take the opportunity! Besides, if we have kids in a few years, we can kiss all the fun vacations good bye (for a while, at least). So far, we're planning to travel to Honduras, The Bahamas, Mexico, Las Vegas, Paris, and Rome. I'm definitely looking forward to putting even more places on that list as the year progresses!

3. Make Unapologetic Choices

Do you hear that? It's opinions, EVERYWHERE. Your family, friends, acquaintances - they all feel like they've earned the right to say whatever pops into their heads about your life. Though those opinions are usually valued, you cannot let them dictate how you live. Looking into the new year, my hope is that I make decisions based on the wants and needs of my own family. I'd hate to look back and realize I made major life choices based on what other people told me to do. Feeling guilty about living life our way ends now!

4. Get comfortable in my new town

I've been living outside of Atlanta for a little over a year now. Despite that, I still refer to Gastonia as "home." It's time to create a new home for myself, here in Georgia. This means getting out of my shell, making friends, and getting involved with organizations that inspire me. Of course I'll never take for granted where I came from and the friends I made while living in North Carolina, but it's time to make a new life in the here and now!

5. Make my home feel more like a home

 My husband and I built our own home about a year ago. It's a huge blessing and certainly something we're proud of, but right now, it still looks like a "cookie cutter" house. The walls are white, decorations are awkwardly hung (Lord knows I'm not an interior designer), and there's a pile of unused frames and portraits sitting in our "junk room" (yes, there's a whole room). This year, I want to make our home a reflection of our taste and personalities. If that means painting the dining room bright red and having a giant elephant statue sitting in the corner, so be it! It's our home and it will be beautiful.

What are your goals this year?

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