
Monday, July 17, 2017

Updates (and a little weirdness, too)

Hi, world. Are you there? It's me, Bailey.

A lot has changed since we last spoke: I've transitioned into full fledged motherhood, my baby is nearly one, and I no longer fit seamlessly into a two piece (nor do I care to blog about said two pieces). Sigh. Again, full transition into motherhood over here. I'm also rambling a bit because my goodness, I've hardly written in nearly a year. Writing, it's just good for my soul, ya know? And when I neglect this side of myself, the side that needs to be creative and expressive, well we get a whole post full of nothin' and everything all at once. Still reading? Good, 'cause I'm still rambling.

Motherhood has changed me and challenged me in a multitude of ways. Gone are the days where I wavered back and forth endlessly on which outfit looked best, which accessories were most on trend. Have I showered? Am I fully clothed? One out of two ain't bad, let's go! Being a mama has taught me to neglect myself for the betterment of others. I live a life of servitude, as does my husband, and I can say with complete clarity and honesty that it has changed me for the better. I've matured in ways that I didn't think possible and have learned to think of others before myself. That's not to say I'm now some sort of Mother Teresa; lord knows I've got plenty of flaws to flaunt to the world. I'm just saying that I'm less sucky of a person than I used to be. And that's all we can really ask for, right? To slowly get less sucky and more enlightened over time.

Anyway. There's a documentary on North Korea calling my name (yes, this is now what I do in my free time. Judge me). Until we meet again!