1. Your life timeline may look different than your friends', and that's okay.
Just to be clear - it is not a requirement to be married with a child by 25, or even married at all. You may meet your soulmate at 16, 24, 35..or *gasp* you may decide marriage ultimately isn't a part of your plan. THAT'S OK. We are not a one size fits all society. What works for me may not work for you. Never feel guilty for living life on your own terms.
2. You may not find your dream job immediately after graduation.
Obviously, this isn't the case with everyone. I have a few friends who, upon graduation, were whisked away to a big city with a wonderful job, and that's awesome for them! But it's not always realistic. Sometimes you have to work from the ground up (yes, even with that super expensive degree you just earned). Embrace the journey now and you will be a lot happier in the long run.
3. It's important to associate with people who are wildly different from you.
Your twenties are a time of growth and change. As a 24 year old semi-newlywed, I can admit that I continue to evolve and change every single day, both as a wife and an individual. Making an effort to get to know people who are not like you in culture, religion, race, and background will only aid in your own self discovery. The more you discover about others, the more you learn about yourself.
4. Critical people are everywhere. Don't be one of them.
Get ready, you guys. "Mean girls" (and boys) still exist in adulthood. In fact, I would wager more people complain and criticize in adulthood than they do in high school. There will always be someone who can find something to dislike about your life, job abilities, or marriage. Train yourself now not to care. If you know you're doing everything to the best of your abilities, you have nothing to feel self conscious about. Also, train yourself to not join in when people are talking badly about others. It does nothing but hurt your own reputation and conscience.
5. Choose adventure over a new Kate Spade Bag
There, I said it. That spontaneous trip to the Grand Canyon is far more valuable than any expensive clothing item. I love fancy clothes, shoes, and accessories just as much as the next gal, but I've realized that a lot of these items are purchased because we want our peers to perceive us a certain way. I want to spend money on things that enrich my life and grow me as a person, and as much as I hate to say it, a lot of my fancy overpriced purses have done nothing to shape me into who I'm meant to be.
What are the greatest lessons you learned in your twenties?
Love love love,